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Amaretto Amaretto Amaretto Amaretto Amaretto

Amaretto (20€-40€)

Star Star Star Star Star

Italian trattoria in the heart of the city centre, with a wood-fired oven.

With selected, locally produced ingredients, its dishes are especially characterised by their flavour and the careful preparation with which they are prepared.

Enjoy their exquisite pizzas and the best varieties of pasta on their terrace, and cool off with their delicious cocktails.

Mapa Centro histórico

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Mapa 952 636 814


Sitio web https://amaretto.es/

Mapa Plaza Uncibay, 5, 29008


Terraza o zona exterior Terrace or outdoor area
Alérgicos, intolerantes, celíacos Allergic, intolerant, coeliacs
Cocina non-stop Kitchen non-stop
Establecimiento adaptado Adapted establishment

 - OPENING HOURS: Monday to Sunday from 12:00 am to 00:00 pm