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La Tasquita de en Medio La Tasquita de en Medio La Tasquita de en Medio La Tasquita de en Medio La Tasquita de en Medio

La Tasquita de en Medio (10-20€)

Star Star Star Star Star

In the heart of Malaga, "La Tasquita de en Medio" is born, fresh, Andalusian and essentially Mediterranean cuisine.
The philosophy and concept is to bring these traditional flavours with touches of fusion to all palates and budgets. You can enjoy pintxos, montaditos, potato omelettes of different flavours, pescaíto, raciones, tapas and Alicante style rice dishes at the best price and with the quality and freshness of the market produce selected daily.

Mapa Centro histórico

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Mapa 952 065 760


Mapa Calle Calderería, 11, 29005


Establecimiento adaptado Adapted establishment
Cocina non-stop Kitchen non-stop
Terraza o zona exterior Terrace or outdoor area
Alérgicos, intolerantes, celíacos Allergic, intolerant, coeliacs

- OPENING HOURS: Every day from 12:00h to 01:00h.

                                Fridays and Saturdays until 01:30h.

In these times of high prices, "La Tasquita de en Medio" is committed to making it easier for the people of Malaga to enjoy high quality cuisine at more than affordable prices.