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Kraken Kraken Kraken Kraken Kraken

Kraken (20€-40€)

Star Star Star Star Star

Its gastronomic offer is designed for everyone and everything. Kraken is a modern restaurant with signature tapas in the heart of the city centre, with non-stop cuisine.

You can enjoy an informal, tasty and appetising meal. With tapas and snacks very characteristic of our city that we recommend 100%.

Mapa Centro histórico

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Mapa 952 609 662


Sitio web https://krakenmalaga.es/

Mapa Plaza de las Flores, 2, 29005


Establecimiento adaptado Adapted establishment
Cocina non-stop Kitchen non-stop
Terraza o zona exterior Terrace or outdoor area
Alérgicos, intolerantes, celíacos Allergic, intolerant, coeliacs

- OPENING HOURS: Monday to Sunday from 13:00 am to 01:00 pm

Come and enjoy!