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Er pichi de Cái Er pichi de Cái Er pichi de Cái Er pichi de Cái Er pichi de Cái

Er pichi de Cái (10-20€)

Star Star Star Star Star

A tavern that will make you feel the most Andalusian essence and where you can taste the purest atmosphere of tapas in the city, with traditional Andalusian cuisine dishes, made with fresh products of the best quality that will make us enjoy the most authentic Andalusian flavours.

The menu includes delicious shrimp omelettes, sea urchins, sea anemones, oysters and tuna that you can't miss.

Your Cádiz tavern in Málaga

Mapa Pedregalejo/ El palo

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Mapa 951 765 432


Mapa Avenida Pío Baroja, 21, 29017


Establecimiento adaptado Adapted establishment
Cocina non-stop Kitchen non-stop
Terraza o zona exterior Terrace or outdoor area
Alérgicos, intolerantes, celíacos Allergic, intolerant, coeliacs
Para llevar Take away

- OPENING HOURS: Every day from 12:30h to 00:00h.