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Da Nonna Peppa Da Nonna Peppa Da Nonna Peppa Da Nonna Peppa Da Nonna Peppa

Da Nonna Peppa (10-20€)

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Next to the Carmen Thyssen Museum, in the heart of the city, you will find this magnificent traditional Italian restaurant, focused on the most select public, knowing that the difference in taste lies in the quality of the ingredients and the care they put into everything they bake.
Let Nonna Peppa transport you to the very heart of Italy without leaving the centre of Malaga.

Mapa Centro histórico

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Mapa 673 689 547


Mapa Calle Salvago, 1, 29005


Terraza o zona exterior Terrace or outdoor area
Cocina non-stop Kitchen non-stop

- OPENING HOURS: Monday to Sunday from 12:30h to 00:00h