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Balcón de las flores Balcón de las flores Balcón de las flores Balcón de las flores Balcón de las flores

Balcón de las flores (10-20€)

Star Star Star Star Star

In the heart of the historic centre of Malaga, our Balcón de las Flores is a place where you can share a pleasant moment with its special atmosphere and the best of Spanish and Mediterranean cuisine.

We are waiting for you to share great moments, special occasions or simple moments and to offer you all the warmth of a special place in the heart of Malaga.


Mapa Centro histórico

Show menu

Mapa 952 655 738


Mapa Calle Martínez, 12, 29005


Alérgicos, intolerantes, celíacos Allergic, intolerant, coeliacs

- OPENING HOURS: Tuesday to Saturday

                                13:00h to 16:00h

                                19:00h to 23:00h